360° LIVE Video Streaming
If you’re looking to reach a wider audience, 360° live video streaming can help make the whole world your audience.
VIRTUALIZE can show you inexpensive but very effective ways to provide 360° Video Streaming for your next event.

Live 360° video offers an immersive experience like no other, and presents a way for publishers to stand out in the crowd. It presents some unique technical and creative challenges.
For quite some time, live video has been providing viewers access to events and experiences which they would not otherwise be able to enjoy. Live 360° video is even more effective because it creates a sense of being immersed in the moment and provides an interactive element… allowing attendees to look around.
Social Streaming
Facebook and Youtube both now support live 360 video streaming – giving you the potential to make your Events – Live , Interactive and Accessible to everyone – Worldwide.

Real Estate Auctions
360 Streaming of LIVE Real Estate Auctions allow potential buyers to be much more involved in the event.

Conferences & Events
Allow Attendees to be immersed in your event or conference, not just sit back passively and watch it.

Tourism Activities
Encourage potential visitors to try it our for real, by offering a virtual experience.